In the “Full Circle at Zone” series, we introduce you to the faces behind our innovative solutions, sharing their stories, experiences, and insights.

Today, we’re excited to feature Benjamin Efenudu, a senior software engineer whose contributions have been instrumental in shaping Zone’s cutting-edge platforms and interfaces.

A Brief Introduction

Benjamin Efenudu is a seasoned software engineer at Zone, where he plays a crucial role in building robust and intuitive interfaces for onboarding and managing clients, and admins. Visualising transactions, settlements, and other activities across our ecosystems.

The Zone Experience

Working at Zone has been an exhilarating journey for Benjamin, filled with exciting challenges and rewarding accomplishments. “Building things from scratch into applications and systems for multiple use cases, and adapting solutions to meet evolving requirements, has pushed the boundaries of my knowledge and skills,” he shares. “I am constantly learning and relearning to create things that far exceed benchmarks.

What Excites Benjamin About Zone

For Benjamin, witnessing Zone’s network gain widespread adoption and become a game-changer in the industry is truly gratifying. “We’ve long moved past the proof of work phase and are quickly advancing beyond the proof of scale phase, towards establishing the Zone way as the standard for processing transactions!” he exclaims.

The Zone Culture

Zone’s culture is what makes it truly unique. Benjamin describes it as a “family” where everyone works together to overcome challenges. “Aside from the fact that work moves fast and furiously, the culture at Zone is people-oriented. There’s 360-degree access to everyone, even up to the CEO, and the policies aim to establish a win-win rewarding system for both Zone and Zoners.”

Advice for New Employees

For those considering joining Zone or new employees just starting their journey, Benjamin has some valuable advice: “Work at Zone pretty much typifies the definition of ‘hit the ground running’. At our current phase, your inclusion to the team is as much critical as it is strategic. It’s only fair to expect a backlog of tasks waiting for you, but you’ll get all the support you need to figure things out and get things done.”

At Zone, we’re proud of our team members like Benjamin, whose dedication and expertise contribute to our ongoing success. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from the “Full Circle at Zone” series, where we celebrate the remarkable individuals who are shaping the future of payments.

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